dh available on dvd

The Dragon Hunters (Die Drachen Jäger (German)) DVD can be preordered at amazon.fr and amazon.de. Again, that was one of my favorite projects to work on... kind of sad if this means there won't be a theatrical release anywhere outside Europe.
Well I guess it happens sometimes that you work on something you identify with that gets no attention at all and other pieces that you (and everybody else working on it) think are crap get marketed well and sell big time...

 some recent animation work

...long time no type. Here we go again - a little update on what I've been up to the last couple of weeks.
Right now I'm working on a Mr. Clean tv-commercial for Spain and Italy. Before that I did some viral stuff including some more animation on the cups www.tassen.tv (German dialogue) as well as this blue bear for selectblinds www.selectblinds.com or at www.youtube.com
which I think turned out ok considering the tight schedule.